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why a dog is better than a woman - 未名空间精华区
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why a dog is better than a woman

发信人: pyramid (pyramidahead), 信区: man
标 题: why a dog is better than a woman
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 31 12:49:53 2005)

10. A dog's parents will never visit you.

9. A dog loves you when you leave your clothes on the floor.

8. A dog limits its time in the bathroom to a quick drink.

7. A dog never expects you to telephone.

6. A dog will not get mad at you if you forget its birthday.

5. A dog does not care about the previous dogs in your life.

4. A dog does not get mad at you if you pet another dog.

3. A dog never expects flowers on Valentine's Day.

2. The later you are, the happier a dog is to see you.

1. A dog does not shop.


※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站 http://mitbbs.com·[FROM: 128.61.]


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